Organisation Review and Change Planning

Organisation Review and Change Planning


UK Parliament

Project Type:

Organisation Review and Change Planning


Mid 2019

Project Scope

  • Create clarity as to the operational maturity, current performance, future Parliament requirements and management and operational challenges facing the in-house service (incl. project management, property design and planning, business services, estates management, portfolio/ programme management, facilities management, finance and landlord services, customer services, maintenance, health and safety, and heritage services;
  • Review the previously created Target Operating Model (which had not been implemented);
  • Work with the team to create a Blueprint for the future and a suitably paced roadmap to achieve it;
  • The Operational Review (called ‘the Coretex Review’) was carried out alongside a parallel review of the financial processes, the ‘Morse Review’, in 2022.  The Implementation planning and mobilisation was carried out in 2023.

Project Detail

Issues had caused the client increasing concern from 2010 through to 2022. Despite continuing efforts by committed staff and teams to address the issues, including changes to leadership and organisation, the core challenges had remained unresolved.  The organisation had brought management lines together and separated them again, without impacting the effectiveness of the operation.  Five (5) Managing Directors of the service had come and gone in as many years.  The most senior Parliament leaders were very unhappy with the service being received.

Coretex were engaged by the Director General to carry out the Operational Review (OR) and mobilise the follow-on Improvement Programme, to clearly identify the challenges and mobilise the internal team to address them.

The OR built on work carried out to develop a Target Operating Model in 2021 and complemented the findings of the 2022 Morse report.  Phase 1: The findings were completed in Dec ’22 and validated by operational leadership.  Phase 2, Planning was completed in June 2023 and mobilisation started in July 2023. 

Project Outcome

  • The client was able to fully understand the cause and impact of the operational performance across the entire range of services.  The validation of the current situation by the in-house team and leadership enabled the dialogue to move from ‘blame’ to a positive future focus.  The ‘Coretex Report’ was signed off (accepted) by the House of Commons executive committee.
  • The proposed Blueprint and Roadmap were agreed with the Director General, and set an expectation for changed to be delivered at 6 monthly review intervals from June 2023 to December 2025.

Coretex Process

  • Coretex interviewed a wide range of staff in the Review process, to obtain perspectives from the client and operations.
  • Communications with senior House of Lords and House of Commons stakeholders was actively managed to ensure that they could both contribute to and monitor the process as it progressed (including Mr Speaker, Sir Linsey Hoyle, and the Clerk of the Commons Sir John Benger);
  • Findings and potential ways forward were tested with senior team members to achieve refinement and identify where communications or culture had reshaped events or perspectives – to clearly identify real challenges and opportunities for improvement;
  • The in-house team were intimately involved in the creation of the improvement plans, which were paced to enable ‘business as usual’ to continue with a reasonable transfer of resources to address the considerable challenges that needed to be addressed;
  • Communications with the staff were actively managed, to ensure that staff appreciated the positive nature of the transformation proposed and the opportunity that it presented for them for a better future;
  • Coretex used a Workshop process (6 areas plus organisation design which was facilitated through the Director General) to encourage in-house ownership and collaborate with the teams.  Detailed plans were created to address all issues;
  • Coretex worked with the team to achieve sign off by the Director General and set up a Programme Management approach to delivering the change from Q3 2023 to Q4 2025.

Similar clients include: 3M, BBC, Birmingham City University, Nokia, Nokia Siemens Networks, Sheffield Hallam University, University of York.